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Altar Servers

Beautiful Liturgy requires the involvement of many volunteers. Altar Servers provide an important service in the sanctuary helping the priests and deacons lead the Liturgy. Children in the third grade and up may serve at Mass. Please encourage your children to step forward.

Extraordinary Minister Of Holy Communion

You are invited to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass. Trained and commissioned "Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion" assist the priests and deacons during Sunday Masses.  Training is offered twice a year. 


Volunteers must be practicing and supporting members of the parish, confirmed, and be in a valid marriage, or otherwise widowed, single, or divorced. This ministry is coordinated through the parish office. Please contact the office for training dates.


Parishioners endowed with a good, clear speaking voice are encouraged to serve as a Lector in proclaiming the Word of God on weekday, Holy Day and Lord's Day Masses.  Please contact the parish office if you are interested in serving as a lector.

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